Come to Us to Get Your Working Capital Loan Closed! | Come to Us to Get Your Working Capital Loan Closed! Many of today’s small business owners use their cash on-hand to reinvest in their day-to-day operations. With a working capital loan from Commercial Capital, you can have extra cash to do even more. Business need money. Period. I have never seen a business go out of business because they had too much money. There is a constant need in small businesses for cash. WE HAVE SOME AMAZING sources of cash available to small businesses and I want to share just a few of them. SBA Up to $150,000.00 dollars working capital – Close in 2 weeks. For businesses 2 years old, has 680+ credit score, 30% of gross revenue up to $150,000.00 dollars. Start Up Non-SBA Money This is for existing and newer businesses! Any business less than 2 years old is considered a start-up by most banks. It is VERY tough to get money. We have non-SBA business only money available with rates starting as low as 7.99% to 14.99% for businesses that just need some cash up to $300,000. dollars. These are NOT merchant accounts receivable loans. The term loans are either 5 or 7 years. The loans is based on your credit card score 680 or higher, income of $50K or higher in the last two years and loan debt ratio. Unsecured Business Lines of Credit For businesses over 2 years old, business registered in the state, the owner has good credit of 700, we can get UNSECURED business lines up to $150,000. Rates range between 5.49% to 14.49%. These are not credit cards, these are the old school lines of credit with a checkbook. We have access to that money! Call Karen at 512-358-1511 today or get started by filling out this form! Karen Schimpf Commercial Capital LTD (512)-359-358-1511 karenschimpf at      SBA Express Bolt! – Loans in 2 weeks; ask for details Give me a CALL TODAY at 512-358-1511 or get started by filling out this form! P.S. OUR NEW PRIVATE FUND IS OUT. IF you have an SBA loan or a conventional loan that is in danger of dying because the bank is not going to get it closed in time, GIVE ME A CALL. We can close that on our private fund with as little as 7% all-in cost! WE CAN EVEN GO TO 90% LTV! Give me a call at 512-358-1511 or get started by filling out this form started by filling out this form |