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Which Way is the Market Heading…..And How You Should Play It?
The stock market has rallied off the lows, so much so, that it has broken through key technical resistance. So of course, a pull back is going to happen. Except there is an old adage that says, you can’t fight the market. So of course, then it should keep going up.
The unemployment report comes out this Friday and the news is going to be bad, really bad, of course, the market should sell off. Except the economy is re-opening almost everywhere so of course, the market should keep rallying. There is anger, protests and rage sweeping the major cities in America, of course, the stock market should go down. There is an election coming up and the market almost always rallies in an election year of course, the stocks should continue to rally. All these economies re-opening could cause a second wave of Corona virus… .unless, of course, it doesn’t. By now I hope you are getting the picture, no one really knows what is next. EVERYONE seems to have an opinion, and the expert you are listening to sure sounds like he is right, until, of course, he is not. No one knows, and anyone who claims they know for sure is really showing their lack of perception. We just don’t know.
SO what do you do? How do you play it? FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL-YOUR THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS. That is the ONLY real thing you can do. Look at your life as an advancing man or woman. IF you are on unemployment, get some success books and expand your mind. If you are employed for someone, start thinking like an owner and think of ways to grow that businesses bottom line. If you own your own business, look for ways to leverage what you do, add revenue streams, market in new ways. I am launching three (3) new revenue streams this month and NONE of them are costing me money to start-just effort and creativity and looking at my situation as an expanding man. You don’t have the power to stop a riot yourself, but you can choose to love your fellow man and be part of the solution, not the problem. A heads up for all the politicos….neither political party can fix the race issue….it is, at it’s core, a sin problem. It will be politicized by the media, no doubt, everything today gets politicized, even a virus. At it’s heart, it is sin…we are forgetting the simplest of all teachings….love each other. You can choose to do that! You can make the choice to love-and you may not change the entire world, but you can change your world. Ignore the noise people and focus on what you can control-your attitude and your actions. You CAN grow and expand in this time. And as for the direction of the stock market? I am absolutely SURE it will go EITHER up or down from here… Have a blessed week.Give me a call today at 512-354-5949 today or get started by filling out this form.
Karen Schimpf
Commercial Capital, Ltd.
O: 512-650-8630
 P.S. I got four (4) approvals JUST LAST WEEK on four (4) SBA loans. We are getting these loans done. IF you are struggling to get your loan closed or even to get the bank to call you back, give us a call. A live person will answer 9-5. Even if I am on the phone, I return ALL calls the same day. Give me a call on your SBA or Private Money loan scenario and I will quickly give you guidance and a quick answer, once we have all the documents we usually have terms in writing in 48 hours. SO give me a call today at 512-354-5949 or get started by completing this form.