What to Do When You Have the Blues…. “I had the blues because I had no shoes…until upon the street, I met a man with no feet” Look, it can always be worse right? That often is not comfort when you find yourself down. There is plenty to get you down right now… With rampant sickness going around, it is hard to be upbeat when you don’t feel good physically-it really is. A look around at the culture, where it is heading, the run amok government (both parties), and I pray you are not sitting at your desk watching the stock market these last few weeks, that will make you crazy by itself. There is plenty to worry about if you are given to worry, BUT WORSE THAN ALL OF THIS IS THE NEGATIVE SPIN CYCLE WE CAN GET INTO IF WE ARE NOT CAREFUL. That is what I want to address today. The mental attacks, whether you want to call it satan, or mind monsters, or self-doubt or fear, is that overwhelming negative spin that can sometimes paralyze you to simply going through the motions, numb, devoid of excitement and joy. Salespeople especially can fall into this trap…a rejection or something negative happens, you start feeling down, fear and doubt creep in and you fixate even more on your flaws, your weaknesses until soon you are outright depressed. It happens, happens to the best of us. This weekend, it happened to me. But here I am Monday morning charging the field again. So what do you do when you get into this spin cycle of negativity?? Here’s what I did…. – Stop and pray. You may not believe in a higher power, but I do and that is a whole heck of a lot of power to tap into, in my humble opinion. Prayer works for me – Do a simple task. THIS IS CRITICAL. When you are in a “spin cycle of negativity” you are often sitting and thinking and not doing. Go back to the basic task. If at home, do the dishes, make a bed. If at work, make a phone call, do a task that needs to be done, motion helps you to slow down your emotion…. -Go for a walk outside. Movement and being out in nature makes a big difference for me. Focus on listening to the birds, leaves rustling in the breeze, feeling your skin warm up from the sun. Using your sense as you walk around the block or the park is very meditative on relaxing the mind, the soul, and the body. – Force yourself to count your blessings! While you are doing those dishes, start being thankful that you have eyes to see, ears to hear, feet to walk. 95% of our lives are amazing even in our worst moments…it could be worse, it really could…so give thanks – Focus on someone else. Depression happens when we focus on ourselves, our hurts, our perceived wounds. You can’t stay depressed serving food in a soup kitchen. Look around you and start thinking about how you can help someone else. I thought about writing this piece up for you guys and that got my mind off of me. Maybe you have a different way of picking yourself up, but this is what worked for me. The thing to realize is that EVERYONE has bad days, hours, minutes. These negative attacks are part of human existence. Suffering, not love, is the one element that EVERY human experiences-it is true of all people. The coolest, most on top of it person has a mom dying of cancer or some tragedy in their life. You can not go through life without trials, no one is exempt. But we are not to cower from these trials, we are not to hide or run, we need to get up and move forward with our day. There are people we can help!!! Each one of us can make a difference, each one of us can help someone else….who can you help today? What client, what customer, what family member. Focus outward, people need you. Get back in the game! Be blessed… Call Karen at 512-358-1511 today or get started by filling out this form! Karen Schimpf Commercial Capital Ltd. (512)-359-358-1511 karenschimpf at P.S. Our conventional commercial loans with JUST 15% DOWN are SMOKING HOT with rates STILL AROUND 4%! If you are looking to buy a building for your business, we now have a 100% SBA Loan! That’s right-NO MONEY DOWN! Now, this is only real estate, not business only, but if you are looking to buy a property, you can keep all your cash and still buy the building with this program-NO MONEY DOWN. WOW! Call me today on any of your commercial or business loan needs, we can usually get a pre-approval out to you in 72 hours unlike the local banks taking weeks. CALL TODAY at 512-358-1511 or get started by filling out this form! |