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If you are going to start a business, expand your business, or buy the commercial building you are renting, you can apply at your local bank for an SBA loans. If they deny you, which is a 50/50 chance based on the SBA’s own stats, then you have to apply at another bank or find the money some other way. For the EXACT same rate and costs, you can apply with me and my cadre of over 100 lenders and banks from around the country. Each of these lenders have tendencies and I underwrite to all of them. I match the strengths of your file with the bank or non-bank lender that best matches your profile and improve the chance of success to over 80%!
I used to charge one point, (1% of the loan amount), for this service and it was worth every penny. Not only did I place the loan, package the loan, and hold your hand through the entire process, I would fight with the lender on your behalf and get that loan to the closing table. This is not some computer approval process but me PERSONALLY working on your loan to get you to the closing table. Over 95% of the SBA deals that I CLOSE, got DENIED somewhere else! I was worth that one percent.
YOU CAN HAVE THE SAME SERVICE, THE SAME VALUE, AND THE SAME APPROVALS FOR FREE! That’s right, I am WAIVING my 1% broker fee! Now, you can get all my services for the same price as the banks-essentially, you get me for FREE! This is a game changer. Why go to a bank and their 50% denial rates and their lack of customer service when for the SAME EXACT RATE AND COSTS, you can get the #1 Commercial Broker in the Country helping you close your loan. I can get you, or anyone you know, the SBA money they need. We do it with great service and the same low rates and costs. One call does it all. We promise:
– Fast approvals (we get terms in writing in 48 hours)
– Consistent follow up throughout (we touch base on ALL files every 2
days throughout the process
days throughout the process
– Higher closing percentages (we close over 80% of the approvals we
– All for no extra cost or risk….
Why not get more value for the same cost? Call me today at 512-358-1511 and I will personally pre-qualify the loan and tell you often over the phone if the loan can get done. I look at over a lot of SBA deals every month and no individual broker closes more…so give me a call today at 512-358-1511. At no cost or risk, you’ll be glad you did. Talk to you soon!
Give me a call today to discuss your deal at 512-358-1511 get started by filling out this form.