June 15, 2020 By karenschimpf@gmail.com
How to leverage your commercial building to make money
https://flic.kr/p/2hJNaiEWhen I was younger, I was really into a guy called Jay Abraham. Jay Abraham was, at the time, one of the key proponents of uncovering untapped resources in every business and leveraging them up to new heights. Every time I listened to that guy, I got a new idea. In fact, I probably need to go back and listen to him again.Point being, EVERYONE has leverage in their life-leverage they can tap. We all have resources, we all have new ways we can look at things, we all have opportunities all around us, we just need to look at everything from a boundary less perspective. IF YOU ARE A COMMERCIAL PROPERTY OWNER, YOU MAY HAVE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF UNTAPPED INCOME IN THAT PROPERTY. I want to help you untap it and I can do this for FREE.
How can I make Additional Money on My Commercial Building?
The move to 5G wireless is sort of like a gold rush. It is happening with or without you. You will partake in it if you use a cell phone whether you acknowledge it or not-the question simply remains-can you make it pay for you? Let me explain. It is no longer one (1) person with one (1) cell phone. There are smart cars, smart light bulbs, smart everything and every one of those devices is another data-point-4G can not handle it. My son, between car, the house and everything else has over 50 unique connections to the internet-just one kid. The trend to smart technology is not going to stop….within a few years, there will be three (3) times more connections to the internet than people on the planet. Enter, 5G or Spectrum. This is what has to happen to handle all these connections. HERE IS THE KEY POINT, 5G requires connections every few hundred feet! It does not require large towers, just a small satellite on a roof that looks almost like a Dish Network is all it takes-but they need one every few hundred feet or so. Hence, Millions of these will have to be on roof tops around the country. IF YOU ARE A COMMERCIAL PROPERTY OWNER, YOU COULD CONCEIVABLY MAKE HUGE EXTRA INCOME JUST BY ALLOWING THIS ON THE ROOF OF YOUR BUILDING, IF IT IS IN THE RIGHT AREA. That is key. But it COSTS NOTHING to find out.
What Do I Need to Submit to Determine if I Qualify?
If you give me just few pieces of information, I can have the property researched for free and if your property hits, you can get paid. I know one man who got paid a lump sum of $750,000 for his rooftop recently. The companies install everything, you don’t spend a dime. IT costs nothing to check to see if your rooftop works and you will never pay a dime, if your property works, you get paid-simple. YOU RISK NOTHING TO FIND OUT. Complete this excel spread sheet by clicking in the red box which includes the information needed below.5G PROPERTY REVIEW REQUEST
- Corporate Name
- Corporate Address
- Corporate Signer
- Entity Name
- Street Address
- City
- State
- Zip
- Building Type & Description
- Site size & Building Size
We will register this information in a specific database and submit the information on your behalf-no cost. The vendor will pay a referral fee to me, you will never cut me a check. Just a free service to you! Within a week or two we should have confirmation from our Partner in terms of whether it is a viable property for 5G or not…that’s it. What if you have a good property and it gets approved but, you do not want to move forward-then don’t!You still control this….but this could open up another option. ANY Commercial building can qualify even a single story gas station. The value of the contract could end up being greater than the value of the property. You have nothing to lose and potentially HUGE money to gain leveraging an asset you already own….just get the info above to me. It will Cost you nothing, risk nothing, possibly leverage an asset for a huge gain. Just send the completed excel spreadsheet by clicking the box in red5G PROPERTY REVIEW REQUESTand email the completed excel spreadsheet to karenschimpf at gmail.com . One email does it all… Email me TODAY at karenschimpf at gmail.com