How to Deal With the News….
I talk to around 50 or more people pretty much every day. Conversations do arise regarding current events, so I feel I need to at least be cognizant of what is going on. WE MUST BE CAREFUL WHAT WE LET INTO OUR MINDS…IT DIRECTLY AFFECTS OUR HAPPINESS AND JOY! So how do you do that when the news is so overwhelmingly negative? Let me share how I do it.
First, I have significant quiet time in the morning and I do NOT look at the news until I get into the office around 9. I want my thoughts in the morning to be excellent thoughts and the news is not excellent in any way, anymore. When I get in I tap the CNBC app on my phone, check the futures, then glance at the bullets underneath (it says “Top Stories”). NOW, THIS IS CRITICAL-DON’T READ THE ARTICLES…just look at facts. Russia Bombs Ukraine city of “x”. That’s all you need. If you keep reading that article you will be fed whatever propaganda they want you to believe..that Putin is evil, we are good, whatever. All news is spun either left or right, but it all has a spin. IGNORE THE SPIN. Just facts and move on. This takes me about 30 seconds to one (1) minute but I have enough to speak intelligently on any current issue if it comes up. At the end of the day, I log in again and see how the market went and the top stories of the day, and I am done. Again, another one (1) minute or so. You are done. Don’t keep checking the market all day. Don’t keep reading articles and going down rabbit holes. Don’t read up on everybody’s news feeds-in fact, ignore news feeds. WHY? Because if you want pure happiness and joy you MUST focus your mind on the things above!
The Bible shares in Col. 3:2 “Set your mind on things above, not things of the earth”. Paul goes on to expand on this in Phil. 4:8 when he said, “whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy, think on these things”. James Allen, in his classic book, “As a Man Thinketh,” said “All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his thoughts… he thinks, so he is; as he continues to think, so he remains”,
Guys, you MUST minimize all negative noise and focus on what is good, pure, and right. The more time you spend on the things above, the more happy and joyful you will be. A glance at the facts only when you look at the news and ignore ALL articles trying to explain it. They don’t know, it is almost comical to see the news try to explain things going on. They DON’T know why things are happening and neither do you. You CAN’T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT ANYWAY! So why worry? Just the facts…then move on to higher and better thoughts… the things above. That’s what I am doing, and it is a much happier and joy-filled existence. Try it, it WILL work for you too! What you think about, what you spend the most time dwelling on, that you will become. Dwell on good and pure things and become noble in character.
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karenschimpf at
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