cc: by:https://flic.kr/p/23i5yHE Everyone wants the good life. And like it or not, the quality of your life is determined by the quality of your decisions. Both big ones, like who to marry, and little ones, like whether to save 10% from each paycheck, your decisions you have made, good or bad, lead directly to the life you see around you today. And the quality of your life going forward will be better or worse based on the decisions you make going forward. So the question becomes, how do we make good decisions? First, you need to get the facts, all the facts, to the best of your ability, to make an informed decision. I am just going to address this today because the times we are in make getting the facts hard. The news media is not giving us the pure facts. I challenge you, the next time any event happens, watch 10 minutes of the coverage on CNN and watch 10 minutes of the coverage on Fox. You would swear it was 2 different events! So if the facts are spun one way by one group and another way by another group, what you are getting is not truth. It’s like when 2 of my kids get in a fight and I ask what happened-it is 2 different stories, the truth is probably in the middle. The media is about money, they are NOT looking out for your best interest. Lots of good is happening in this world, but it doesn’t get reported because shock and fear sells-not facts. The media is about money-period. NEVER trust your decisions to people who have an agenda that revolves around money, this is not in your best interest. And you can’t trust the politicians for the facts. They don’t care about you, they care about power. Spend 5 minutes watching any channel and you quickly get the idea that all that matters is the upcoming mid term elections-Democrats are frantically trying to hold on to power, Republicans are licking their chops trying to get power. Not a single politician will sit down to dinner tonight and say, “I wonder how it is going in (insert your name)’s world. These polls they quote, I have never been polled, don’t even know anyone who has. And I have never had a Senator call me up at home and ask what I think. And I reckon the same is true with you. They care about you only as far as they can manipulate a vote out of you. And I swear, I am NOT a pessimist. But this is the reality of our world, politicians care about power, the news media cares about money. So WHERE DO YOU GO FOR FACTS? Look around you with your own eyes. See what is happening in your world REAL TIME, then make decisions based on that. — Wishing You the Best, Karen Schimpf e: KarenSchimpf at gmail.com s: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenschimpf/ w: www.applycommercialloans.com/ o: 512-358-1511 PS. The Bible says, “get wisdom” and that it is “more valuable then gold”. And to seek wise counsel. I take my job seriously, and my job includes counseling people on monetary decisions. These are not easy decisions, and you should get wise counsel. When I get a deal, I try to see what is best for the client even if it is not with me. I try to be a wise steward of whatever is put in front of me. If you have a commercial or business deal and need some clear guidance, give me a call. I will gladly help you try to make the best decision…it’s what I do. Give me a call today at.. Give me a call TODAY! Give me a CALL TODAY at 512-358-1511 or get started by completing the form. |