The world is a mess, (great encouraging start right?). Even if you try to avoid all the news you can’t block out the division you see, the economic issues you see, the political issues you see. The news takes every storm of any sort and tells you to worry about global warming. Everywhere you look, there are issues. How does one stay positive in such a time? Focus on the things you can control! YOU. YOUR ACTIONS. YOUR THOUGHTS.
You can’t stop a hurricane, so to spend even ONE (1) minute worrying about global warming is a wasted minute. Be a good steward, do what you feel led to do, but to actually WORRY about it? You can’t control it. So stop. Focus on what you can control. I get it, the bad around us today can absolutely seem overwhelming. The good news though is you don’t have to fix the whole world, that is not on your plate or in your ability. You can change YOUR world, and it is not as difficult as it may appear. Start with love. Love is real. Love is true. Love does not fear. They are actually opposites, love exists and is real, fear is in our minds. Once you grasp that the fear you are clinging too is all in your head, you can maybe look around and act in love. Don’t make this hard, don’t be philosophical, start by doing. Act loving to those around you and love will become more real. Do you see that person who thinks differently than you? Understand they are a person, a valuable person, who has a right to their differing opinion. Instead of attacking them and trying to change their view, listen to them. Once you have given them the respect of listening to why they feel the way they do, maybe they will offer you the same respect. If not, who cares?! You reached out with love-you did your part.
I belong to a women’s group where the women come from all different walks of lifes. We talk about everything from politics to books we have read to the economy and often we think very differently, but we listened to each other-and we each were able to grow from it. It is a delightful group of women. We DON’T have to pretend that nothing is wrong with the world. This is not Pollyanna speak. We must look at the world as it is, and start there. We are NOT going to fix this staying divided and pointing fingers and hating. We must come together if we are ever going to change this. We MUST act in love and that starts with you and me, loving the people in our sphere. Even if you don’t feel loving, act in love. There is a saying in the “get rich” circles- “Act as if” . Act as if you are already successful even if you are not. Well the same can be applied to love, act loving even when you don’t feel like it. The feeling will surely follow the action. Listen to people, help people, love on people. In so doing, you can start to change the world. Jesus changed the world, not by rioting, not by shouting from the rooftops, but by focusing on 12 men and pouring into them and THAT changed the world. Go forth and do likewise…..
P.S. Our Private Money Rates HAVE STAYED THE SAME! The Fed raised rates 4.25% last year-WOW! But our rates stayed the same. The payment on our private money loans is now almost the same as an SBA 7A Loan. THAT MEANS YOU CAN HAVE A FAST, NO HASSLE, 2-3 WEEK LOAN CLOSING AND HAVE ALMOST THE SAME PAYMENT AS AN SBA 7A LOAN that takes 2 months and reams of paperwork to close. On a $1 Million loan, at the going SBA 7A rate your payment is almost $9300. Next month when the Fed raises rates that will go up even more. However, that same $1 Million on our private money loan is $10,000. A $700 difference a month. And you can refinance out of our loans in as little as 4 months. We are the PERFECT bridge to an SBA loan. Close fast now, with almost the same payments and refinance later when the slow moving banks are able to accommodate you. WANT TO RUN SOME NUMBERS? Give me a call today to refinance or for ALL your commercial and business loan needs. Call Karen at 512-358-1511 today or get started by filling out this form!
Karen Schimpf
Give me a CALL TODAY at 512-358-1511 or get started by filling out this form!