Working Capital |
Come to Us to Get Your Working Capital Loan Closed! Many of today’s small business owners use their cash on-hand to reinvest in their day-to-day operations. With a working capital loan from Commercial Capital, you can have extra cash to do even more. Business need money. Period. I have never seen a business go out of business because they had too much money. There is a constant need in small businesses for cash. WE HAVE SOME AMAZING sources of cash available to small businesses and I want to share just a few of them. SBA Up to $150,000.00 dollars working capital – Close in 2 weeks. For businesses 2 years old, has 680+ credit score, 30% of gross revenue up to $150,000.00 dollars. Start Up Non-SBA Money This is for existing and newer businesses! Any business less than 2 years old is considered a start-up by most banks. It is VERY tough to get money. We have non-SBA business only money available with rates starting as low as 7.99% to 14.99% for businesses that just need some cash up to $300,000. dollars. These are NOT merchant accounts receivable loans. The term loans are either 5 or 7 years. The loans is based on your credit card score 680 or higher, income of $50K or higher in the last two years and loan debt ratio. Unsecured Business Lines of Credit For businesses over 2 years old, business registered in the state, the owner has good credit of 700, we can get UNSECURED business lines up to $150,000. Rates range between 5.49% to 14.49%. These are not credit cards, these are the old school lines of credit with a checkbook. We have access to that money! Call Karen at 512-358-1511 today or get started by filling out this form! Karen Schimpf Commercial Capital Ltd. (512)-359-358-1511 karenschimpf at      SBA Express Bolt! – Up to $150K Working Capital Loans in 2 weeks; ask for details P.S. I specialize helping Business Owners and Investors find commercial loan solutions. Already been denied? No problem, 80% of people that have previously been denied have received funding that they had no idea they could get. I BRING COMMERCIAL MONEY FROM AROUND THE COUNTRY TO LOCAL MARKETPLACES ENSURING THE MOST LIKELIHOOD OF CLOSING. The key is placing the borrower with the lender that most suits that borrower’s strengths.Give me a call today so you can get your loan closed at O:512-358-1511 Give me a CALL TODAY at 512-358-1511 or get started by filling out this form! |