Commercial Real Estate Professionals
Please join us for our monthly commercial property exchange. We meet every third Wednesday of the month to exchange property and buyer information. Bring your flyers to pass out your information.
Meeting Date:
Third Wednesday of Every Month
July 20, 2022
8:30 – 10:00 am
Attend Physically @ KW Commercial
900 Quest Pkwy
Cedar Park, TX
Attend via Zoom:
Please check your email after registering for the meeting id and password. Please click on the link or copy and paste into the address bar.
FYI, If the link is not working please try copying and pasting the link into your browser.
8:30 Breakfast and Networking
8:45 Breakfast Sponsor
8:55 Speaker
9:15 Have Wants Property Exchange
10:00 Event Ends
Realtor Property Listings
Please email Karen at, your pdf, of the properties you want to show, by no later than Tuesday afternoon.
Ben White
Director of Economic Development
Ben White joined the City of Cedar Park as Director of Economic Development in October 2018. As Director of Economic Development, he is responsible for leading the City of Cedar Park’s Economic Development program based on the City Council vision and goals for creating job growth and attracting and retaining businesses in Cedar Park. In his first four years, White has announced over $750 million in new projects and the creation of over 3,400 jobs.
White has 20 years of experience in the field of economic development. He has served as the President of the Central Texas Foreign Trade Zone and currently is the President of the Williamson County Economic Development Partnership. He was named by Consultant Connect among its Top 50 Economic Developers in North America. Prior to joining the City of Cedar Park, White served as Vice President of Economic Development for the Round Rock Chamber for nearly eight years. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree from the University of Kansas.
White sees Cedar Park as the next job center for the region because of its demographics and location – lending themselves well to corporate headquarters, the high tech industry and advance manufacturers. White has a proactive approach and high level of enthusiasm when it comes to recruiting businesses to come to Cedar Park.
Breakfast Sponsor
Tommy Rivera
Frontier Bank of Texas
Please RSVP
Karen Schimpf
Commercial Capital, LTD