Stop the Hurry! | See the bottom about the Alternative SBA Loan. Stop the Hurry The great enemy of our spiritual life, and that deep restful state of peace that on some level we all long for, is hurry. Hurry is the enemy of love….love is patient. Hurry is not. Dallas Willard said this and I thought it was brilliant, “We must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from our life”. The quote is the title of a book I am reading called, “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” by John Mark Comer. It’s a good read, and if you want peace in your heart and soul, you MUST work on eliminating hurry in your life. The book gives 4 main practices and lots of excellent quotes and examples but here they are… 1. Silence and Solitude. You need time alone..just you and God. I have a morning quiet time and I would say it has been the biggest difference-maker in my life. 2. Sabbath. You need one day of rest. Period. It has been scientifically proven that working a 7th day in a row does not increase productivity more than 6 days. You need a day to debunk. I’ve been doing this for years and it is a game-changer 3. Simplicity- acquiring more “stuff” doesn’t make your life easier. Every new acquisition takes upkeep. A simple life is just better for your soul, being in bondage to debt kills inner peace 4. Slowing. The art of consciously moving slower through your day. Breathe, relax, get in the slow lane once in a while. Don’t hurry to get as much in as you can…it won’t lead to a better life. Each of these is expanded on in the book. The guy is a little quirky but definitely is on point. He also spends a LOT of time talking about technology and how it truly is a wrecking ball for a simple and focused life. Stop looking for the dopamine rush of a thumbs up on a post. Debunk from news and data streams. It really does not add value to your life. The stuff that matters in life is slow. It takes time. Love, joy, and peace are slow. These things are incompatible with hurry. As we come into the time of year that probably encapsulates hurry, slow down. It is a practice, it takes time to master but get started. Each moment is full of goodness. Why are we in such a hurry to rush to the next one? There’s so much here to see, to enjoy, to gratefully receive, to celebrate, to share. I’m just trying to not miss the goodness in each day. May you find a little peace today! Also see information about the Alternative SBA Loan below. Call Karen at 512-650-8630 today or get started by filling out this form! Karen Schimpf (512)-358-1511 P.S. Our $2 Million to $20 Million bridge product is the PERFECT product for un-stabilized value add deals. Renovation, rehab and stabilization capital with in-house credit committee funding off a balance sheet in as little as 2 weeks! We even consider preferred equity! P.S. P.S. Our Alternative SBA loan is smoking hot with 85% LTV and rates in the 3’s! If you own a business and want to buy or refinance a property for your business, give me a call to see if this loan will work for you! This is huge. So don’t delay, CALL TODAY at 512-358-1511 or get started by filling out this form Give me a CALL TODAY at 512-358-1511 or get started by filling out this form! |